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Hit the bitch

Shoot The Double-Crosser

Director: Lütfi Akad

Producer: Erman Brothers

Screenplay: Selahattin Küçük, Lütfi Akad (adapted from Halide Edip Adıvar's novel)

Year: 1949

Director of photography: Lazar Yazıcıoğlu

Music: Sadi Işılay

Cast: Sezer Sezin, Kemal Tanrıöver, Vedat Orfi Bengü, Settar Körmükçü, Temel Karamahmut, Arşavir Alyanak

Production Company: Erman Film

Color: Black white

Country: Turkey

Vision date:

Subject: The struggle of a woman who was slandered after the War of Independence is told.

Notes about the movie:

The film tells the story of a woman who struggles against the traditional mentality.

Contents related to the movie:

Presentation of Women Working in Turkish Cinema from the 90s to the Present. Yildirim, Asli. (2004). Ege University Institute of Social Sciences Master's Thesis.


Özgüç, Agâh. (2012). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Turkish Movies. Istanbul: Horizon International.

Özgüç, Agâh. (2014). Dictionary of Turkish Films 1914-2014. Istanbul: Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Yildirim, Asli. (2004). Presentation of Women Working in Turkish Cinema from the 90s to the Present. Ege University Institute of Social Sciences Master's Thesis.

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