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Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Producer: Charles Gillibert
Screenplay: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Year: 2015
Cinematography: David Chizallet, Ersin Gök
Music: Warren Ellis
Cast: Güneş Şensoy, Doğa Zeynep Doğuşlu, İlayda Akdoğan, Elit İşcan, Tuğba Sunguroğlu
Color: Colorful
Production Company: CG Cinema
Country: Türkiye, Germany, France, Qatar
Release date: 23.10.2015
Subject: The film focuses on the experiences of five sisters living with their grandmother and uncle in İnebolu. They are sentenced to house arrest because of the game they played on the beach with their boyfriends, and their search for freedom begins.

Notes about the movie:
It was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Globe and Oscar.

The movie Mustang criticizes the patriarchal order by touching on issues such as the concept of female honor, expectations from the female gender, and child brides. The film does not position the woman as the object of the gaze and sets up the character on a level that draws attention to the conditions of being a subject.

Contents related to the movie:
Mustang Movie Review on the Basis of Gender Roles and the Presentation of Women in Turkish Cinema. Kasap, F. , Dolunay, A. & Solman, A. (2018). Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 8(4), 627-646.
Evaluation of the Movie Mustang with a Feminist Narrative Approach and a Method in Establishing the Feminine Language; Digital Storytelling Workshop. Ergeç, N. E. (2019). SineFilozofi, 4(7), 10-27.
Reproduction of the Non-Western: Evaluation of the Movie 'Mustang' in a Sociopolitical Context, Diker C. (2016). Üsküdar University Journal of Social Sciences 2(3)
Establishing representation in cinema: A review on the movie Mustang (2015), Cerrahoğlu, Z. (2019). SineFilozofi, 4(Sp. Iss), 518-535.

César (2016) “Best First Feature Award” “Best Original Screenplay Award” “Best Editing Award”
“Best Original Music Award”
Fassbinder Prize (2015)
Goya Award for Best European Film (2016)
21st Sadri Alışık Theater and Cinema Actor Awards "Selection Committee Special Award"

Evaluation of the Movie Mustang with a Feminist Narrative Approach and a Method in Establishing the Feminine Language; Digital Storytelling Workshop. Ergeç, N. E. (2019). SineFilozofi, 4(7), 10-27.


Deniz Gamze Ergüven

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