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Messy bed

Messy bed
The Messy Bed

Director: Atıf Yılmaz
Producer: Kadri Yurdatap
Screenplay: Murathan Mungan
Year: 1984
Director of photography: Salih Dikişçi
Music: Yalçın Tura
Cast: Müjde Ar, Aykut Sözeri, Lale Belkis, Tuluğ Çizgen, Hale Akınlı, Memduh Un, Gülsen Tuncer, Nubar Terzyan, Füsun Demirel and Ümit Belen
Production Company: Mine Film
Color: Colorful
Country: Türkiye
Vision date:
Plot: Meryem, who is with rich and wealthy men, falls in love with a bellboy and does not receive anything in return for her love.

Notes about the film: Focusing on the story of a woman, the film deals with the domination of male power over the female body and presents the female body as a sexual object. Additionally, Meryem's best friend is Sabahat, and in the film, female friendship is constructed as a resistance against male domination.

Contents related to the movie:
Masculine Discourse in Cinema and the Women's Problem in Atıf Yılmaz's Films. Hıdıroğlu, İ. & Kotan, S. (2015). Atatürk Communication Journal, (9), 55-76.

Cinema writers rank 10th in "The Best Films of the 1984-85 Cinema Season".

Hıdıroğlu, İ. & Kotan, S. (2015). Masculine Discourse in Cinema and the Women's Problem in Atıf Yılmaz's Films. Atatürk Communication Journal, (9), 55-76.
Özgüç, Agâh. (2012). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Turkish Movies. Istanbul: Horizon International.
Özgüç, Agâh. (2014). Dictionary of Turkish Films 1914-2014. Istanbul: Republic of Turkey Culture and Tourism Ministry.

Messy bed

Atif Yilmaz

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