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Canan Evcimen
Canan Evcimen Obay (1963 -   )

Canan Evcimen came to life in Ankara in 1963. In 1984, he completed his undergraduate education at Ankara University, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Press and Broadcasting, Department of Radio-Television. After graduation, Evcimen worked as a production assistant at AFM Advertising Studios, where she learned a lot about directing and set conditions. Evcimen, who passed the producer and correspondent exam held by TRT, started working as an assistant producer. Evcimen, who rose to producer status within two years, has continued to work as both a producer and director since this year. In 1987, he directed the documentaries "Commemorating Atatürk" and "Ziya Osman Saba". Evcimen, who directed many documentaries and films on TRT, shot his first movie, "Hoşçakal Umut", in 1994. In this movie, the plot that developed around the September 12 Coup was discussed. His second film, "A Pale Yellow Rose", met with the audience in 1997. He later continued to direct and produce many TV series. 


Screenwriter Filmography

A Pale Sarıgül, 1996, Director: Canan Evcimen, Screenplay: Canan Evcimen, Ayla Kutlu, Director of Photography: Ercan Yılmaz Music: Ertuğrul Bayraktar, Cast: Ege Aydan, Zuhal Gencer, Sermin Hürmeriç, Meral Çetinkaya, Gülsen Tuncer, Yeşim Alıç, Taner Barlas, Derya Alabora, Sevda Aydan, Producer: Muammer Göz.



Evren, Burçak. (2014). 100 Years of Turkish Cinema. Istanbul: Rumi Printing House.

Evren, Burçak. (2010). Dictionary of Women Directors in Turkish Cinema. Ankara: World Mass Communication Research Foundation-World KIV Publications.

Fontini, Pınar. (2017). Being a Female Director in Turkey Between 1990-2000. Marmara University Social Sciences Institute Master's Thesis. Istanbul. 

Özgüç, Agâh. (1994). Turkish Film Directors Dictionary. Istanbul: Afa Publications.

Öztürk, S. Ruken. (2004). The “Feminine” Face of Cinema: Female Directors in Turkey. Istanbul: Om Publishing House. 

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