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Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez
Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez (1930-2019)

Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez came to life in Istanbul in 1930. Kuyululu Ürkmez, who graduated from the State Conservatory, had her first acting experience by appearing in the movie "Sahte Nikah". In 1955, he started working as an opera singer at the State Opera and Ballet. The director, who acted at the Dormen Theater, wrote the script of the movie "Küçük Dünya", shot in 1961. Ürkmez later moved to Sweden, where he had his first directorial experience by shooting the film "Outside" (1970). The film deals with the problems experienced by Seçkin, who lives as a Turkish immigrant in Sweden. According to Kuyululu Ürkmez, it is the first immigration film shot in Sweden. 

Kuyululu Ürkmez, who immigrated to Australia from Sweden in 1971, shot the films "A Handful Of Dust" (1974) and "The Golden Cage" (1975) with the support of the Australian Arts Council. “The Golden Cage” is Ürkmez's only feature film. “A Handful Of Dust” won the “Grand Union” award in the short film category at the Sydney Film Festival. While Kuyululu Ürkmez dealt with the problems of immigrants living in foreign countries in his films, he portrayed the female characters as strong women who could stand on their own feet. In 1989, he made a documentary called "Criminal or Pawn?" by interviewing Turks living in prisons in Australia. He shot the movie. The documentary was not released despite the agreements because there were criticisms against Australia. It met the audience for the first time at the 14th Ankara Film Festival in 2002. The director died in Australia on May 31, 2019. 


Screenwriter Filmography

Bir Avuç Toz (A Handful of Dust), 1974, Director: Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez, Screenplay: Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez, Actors: Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez and İlhan Kuyululu.

The Golden Cage, 1975, Director: Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez, Screenplay: Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez, Actors: Ron Haddrick, İlhan Kuyululu, Sait Memisoflu, Anne Scott, Kate Sheil.



A Fistful of Dust (1974)

Sydney Film Festival Short Film Branch (1974) “Grand Unity Award” (Ayten Kuyululu Ürkmez)



Evren, Burçak. (2014). 100 Years of Turkish Cinema. Istanbul: Rumi Printing House.

Öztürk, S. Ruken. (2004). The “Feminine” Face of Cinema: Female Directors in Turkey. Istanbul: Om Publishing House. 

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